NNTAC Special General Meeting (13 May 2021)

Click here to download the SGM Notice.

Click here to download the SGM Agenda.

Dear Members


I wish to advise you that as Chairperson of the Nguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC叩NTAC), the NNTAC Board have set a date for a Special General Meeting (SGM) which has been scheduled for the following:-

Date: Thursday, 13 May 2021 at 9:30am

Venue: Serbian Club Cairns, 67 GreensIopes St, Edgehill Qld 4870 and Jackaroo MoteI Conference Room, 340 Byrnes St, Mareeba Qld 4880

NNTAC Rules state for the meeting to proceed we must have a quorum within 30 minutes of the start time for the meeting. Quorum for the meeting is 15 Members. If quorum is not achieved then the meeting will be at the same time and location the following Thursday 20 May 2021 , unless the Directors specify otherwise. The directors specify that quorum for this adjourned meeting shall be a number equivalent to the number of members then in attendance one hour from the original meeting time.

The attached notice sets out the agenda and all of the business of the SGM. If you are unable to attend, you may nominate a proxy and the proxy form is attached to the SGM notice.

Corporation records, including a copy of the Rule Book can be accessed online through the ORIC website at www.oric.gov.au.

If you wish to appoint a proxy then you need to complete the form in Schedule 2 of the Rule Book, and it must be received by the NNTAC at least 48 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting. A proxy form is enclosed with this letter.

If you have a family member that is not already a member and wishes to attend, there will first need to be a resolution of the members to allow non-member attendance. The board has discussed this and will call for a resolution to allow non-members to attend at the start of the meeting as there is important business about NNTAC and the Rule Book which affects all Djungan People.

There wi11 also be an update about Kondaparinga Station and other business血at NNTAC has been undertaking which was detailed in the latest newsletter.

Application forms for membership can otherwise be obtained from Lynette Geary at NNTAC and will be considered at the first Director’s meeting following the SGM.

If you have any other questions or require further information, please contact Lynette Geary at the NNTAC Office on (07) 4041 9966.

I Iook forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards

(per) Lynette Geary

Judulu (Colin) Neal
Nguddaboolgan Native Title Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC




NNTAC Newsletter - April 2021